Wednesday, November 25, 2020



  1. Taylor, like you said in class, it seems you had a hard time avoiding tight rendering!Based on what you saw of your classmates' work, I bet you could go back into this drawing and make it a lot softer, more energetic, and darker. What you have here will not disappear -- it will just be rendered softer and more moody. Also, I really want to see you use your loose marks to activate the space around the figure. Put some emotion into it! And don't be afraid of losing control of the line -- that is indeed precisely the point. If you let your hand fly around, you might just find that you like your drawing a lot better. Essentially, it's a matter of letting a different part of your mind take over -- a much more intuitive part. Let's see what you can do with this!

  2. Taylor, I really enjoy this piece and I can see your skill at rendering coming through. As Taney says, you should definitely not be afraid to add in some crazy expressive marks! Something I found useful to do that was using a nearly dead pen so it barely makes marks and just letting your arm go wild. That way, there won't be an overpowering amount of marks but some will come through and you can build it up. But, overall, great job!

  3. I think she accurately drew herself! Everyone can this drawing is a self portrait of Taylor and I think it's really great. I really liked how she did on the hair. It is really neat and so detailed. I think she could have used more scribble lines to blend edges with lines rather than rendering, but still I really liked it!   

  4. I like this drawing. It remains me old school American animate, which is cool and interesting . I think it would be more terrific if you add some crazy marks.

  5. Taylor, you did a great job on this. You correctly drew your face features, the deep eyes are really you! Your style is actually worked for me. Maybe you could make the shading lighter on the nose, instead you add value on the cheeks to make the nose pop.
