Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Sisley's cityscape



  1. Sisley, as I told you last week, I really like what you did to transform your boxes into a compelling, mysterious cityscape. It's very inventive. For the most part, the perspective looks very good (although I think you should have taken my suggestion and made the pipe get just a little bit smaller as it recedes in space on top of the building). That said, the conveyer belt in the front looks off. I know this was hard to do from imagination, but even so, I think you can correct the way it enters the small building on the right (the angle should be more consistent with the top and bottom horizontal edges of that building), and the middle section shouldn't be so wide. Great job with the shading -- I especially love what you did with the shadows on the ground.

  2. I love the even tone employed here, Sisley! The scene is really. imaginative and lively! Most of the perspective appears correct to me, maybe making the width of the tube smaller as it recedes in space to the left would add to the illusion. Great work!

  3. I really like this mysterious city you created. When I saw this drawing, it reminded me of science fiction movies. But I think the perspective of the stairs may need to be modified

  4. I really like this mysterious city you created. When I saw this drawing, it reminded me of science fiction movies. But I think the perspective of the stairs may need to be modified

  5. This drawing looks really nice that reminds me of factories. I really like that pipe that connects two buildings together.

  6. This is so interesting. It reminds me ”Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." However this conveyor belt looks a little bit weird to me.

  7. Your imagination has transformed the simple boxes into a very interesting little building.

  8. I like the idea behind it. I feel like this can go in many directions. this could be part of a factory or a corner of a town and I slightly wish there was more building in it the imagine would have more interesting thing to look at. but I do like the drawing a Lot

  9. I really love how you design your city! it is so mysterious and makes me wonder what is inside of it. Although the stairway outside is a little bit inaccurate, it is the most impressive part to me. And I also like how you put the shadows on your city. It is so beautiful!

  10. I love this little factory,it is extremely interesting. Altohough it would be better for me if you add more light on it.
