Wednesday, November 4, 2020




  1. I think you have a very smooth blending way. Maybe you can make the downward part darker to get more contrast.

  2. Selina, there's something very lovely about the softness of this drawing, and I think you did a terrific job on the folds in the middle and where they fall from the top, which is always tricky. For some reason things seem to tighten up in the lower left, which flattens that area out. Softening the edges there might do the trick. Although the perspective is off on the base of the stool, I like the way you rendered it. I do think the drawing could give us more of a sense of mystery!

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  4. I really like your lights and shadows in the middle. Not only does it creates great shading and contrast, but it also creates an three-dimensional illusion. If you have time, you could improve the base. The perspective of the base feels a little be weird, other than that, it's great.

  5. I really like how the whole drawing is a little bit blurry, and how it brings a sense of mystery. Overall pretty good job here, I just can't stop looking at it cause it has a different mood in the drawing, so soft and quiet.

  6. The shadows of this picture are very soft, but I think it would be better if the picture is more contrasted.

  7. I love how smooth this drawing is. It really makes the drawing unique and gives it this soft emotion to it. The shading is also very soft, but there's still contrast there. Great job!

  8. I love how you've mixed a blended-out shading style with hatching, it really makes the object look 3 dimensional and voluminous. It's a pretty tight composition, perhaps consider darkening the background in places to hint at more space, like you've done in the bottom left corner.

  9. I like how smooth the drawing is! I also appreciate the lines you use as shadow to make each part of this fabric look more vivid and three dimensional

  10. I love how the drawing show the volume of the cloth by using light and shadow, and I can feel the texture of it as well! The composition is really nice for me!

  11. I love how the drawing show the volume of the cloth by using light and shadow, and I can feel the texture of it as well! The composition is really nice for me!

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  13. I like that there are only a few core folds in the cloth. If the background was more lighter/darker shade, it would make the main subject pop more but overall great job !

  14. i like this drawing a lot. its so smooth and interesting. i only wonder about how the fabric looks at the bottom in the front and the base of the object. (this could just be my eyes and only me and you probably just drew what you saw) to me in a way it it feels like the object is leaning back a little and the fabric is folding with it a bit. this is an interesting drawing.

  15. I like the lights and shadows in the middle of the fabric. Also it is fun to watch the objects inside the fabric because of the composition. I think it would be much better for me if she added more black on the background and the fabric, but still looks great!
