Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Seongeon Drapery (Week 5 homework assignment)



  1. I think this work is fantastic, I love the composition so much, as what Taney says it brings a sense of crucifixion. I also love the black background, the background is so dark that we can focus more on the fabric and object.

  2. I really appreciate that you drew every tiny folds. You composed well and the basin on the top is very delicate and textured. It’s amazing!

  3. I really like the shading of the drawing, it's so detail and I can tell you spend a lot of time on the work. The composition is so great and it creates a mysterious feeling. Good job!

  4. This is so beautiful, the composition and contrast are great! I appreciate how you've included that horizontal object to contrast with the strong verticals in your fabric. It gives the feeling of being in a huge scale, like it would be as big as me in real life, maybe because of all the detail.

  5. The composition is so interesting ! The whole picture looks so grey, giving me a feeling of being on Halloween. I really like this drawing!

  6. Lee, this is a really nice drawing -- very dramatic and detailed! I think the black background really adds to the mood. My favorite part of this drawing may be the bowl -- it looks so convincingly volumetric, and I even get a sense of what it's made of. While the folds are quite impressive, I do think you could soften up the edges between those values to make them look more natural. Some areas look terrific, but underneath and to the left of the bowl, where it gets very detailed, things start to harden up. If you go in with your pencil and make some small strokes in the opposite direction of those edges it will make them appear softer. Also, keep in mind that when you have a dramatic black background it can look like your form is pasted on top of the black. I think if you go in and give all the edges a little softness it would help significantly.

  7. I really love this drawing! Not only the fabric, bu also all the detailed objects in the drawing are so amazing! And the black background creates a strong contrast. And the composition also gives me an imagination space that I wonder what is under the fabric and I wonder where is the end of the fabric. It is so beautiful!

  8. Your work is full of details and the objects and fabric is super attractive. The shelf, fabric and the bowl on the top bring me a sense of floating, which is totally amazing. And I am curious about the material that you used for your background. (it does not look like charcoal for me)
