Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Mysterious Object









  1. For Yunxin: I really enjoy the quality of your material, and the texture that you've infused all throughout the piece. The shading on the fruits on top of the fabric have great hatching that follows the contour of the object, adding a lot of volume. I would suggest considering cropping the top of the piece since the horizon is sitting firmly on the middle of the piece, pushing that off center a bit more would add interest to the composition.
    For Michelle: I think the composition here is quite interesting, how the fabric comes at the viewer at the bottom of the piece and just barely touches the right side. You’ve rendered the dark values of the fabric well, with a soft hand. I think you could push the highlights a bit more to really get the fabric to shine.
    For Nanxi: I like that you’ve chosen a vertical orientation and have filled the whole picture with your fabric. It’s a very unique piece and I commend you on that! I think the fabric in the foreground could benefit from some more soft shading in that light patch. But the texture and feel of the piece are great!
    For Helen: This piece is so beautiful, it reminds me of a classical greek sculpture made of marble! It also reminds me of your first piece, the contour drawing. You have a great grasp of hatching and delicate shading. I enjoy how you have included the edge of the table, putting the fabric in space.
    For Carson: The piece has a lot of character and I enjoy how you’ve utilized the composition well and filled the entire space, really activating the sides and corners. I would recommend using an eraser to go back and find those harsh highlights to really help define the form of your fabric.
    For Taylor: Wow! This piece is incredible! I can tell you’ve really applied yourself and enjoyed this assignment! The fabric is rendered so masterfully, it looks like it’s right out of the studio of Da Vinci! The composition is also quite successful, I love that swooping motion that the fabric carriers through the piece. I think it could be interesting to darken up that background and add some gritty texture back there. Love it!

  2. Yunxin, this is a really nice drawing. It looks like you finally got some nice mid-tones to work for you! I really like the way you did the background, and there's something interesting about the fact that it looks like a landscape. I think the fabric could use some work, though. It doesn't yet convince me as folds in soft form. If you went in and blended out the streaks you put in for shadows that might do it. And try to avoid those hard black outlines. You shouldn't need those to distinguish between values! Let the different values speak for themselves.

  3. Michelle, there is some really nice mid-tone work in this drawing, especially on the left-hand side of the object. On the right you start to introduce some outlines, and that's less convincing. I also think the lower edge of the large dark shadow needs to be smoother -- that too looks flat. Finally, if the cloth went all the way off the edges it would have broken up that negative space, which may have made a stronger composition.

  4. Yunxin - this drawing gives off a comfy and cute mood. It might’ve been stronger if the focus was on the objects under the cloth rather than the ones above.

    Michelle - i like the softness of the blends in this drawing but a couple of sharp lines and shadows might also do it some good.

    Nanxi - i like the concept of this drawing, its mysterious on it own but it might’ve been more interesting if the object was a bit more concealed by the cloth.

    Helen - this drawing does a amazing job at both following the requirements of the homework and being great piece of art.

    Carson - i like the simplicity of this drawing but i think lacks in the fluidity of clothing folds.

    Taylor - this is a great example of accurate folds, nicely rendered.

  5. Nanxi, I think your mid-tones look great in this piece, and that makes the folds look very convincing (especially the ones at the top of the drawing). The area at the bottom of the cup looks awkward to me -- maybe that dark shadow just needs to be softened? While I wish there were more of a sense of mystery here, there's something interesting about having a cup be surrounded by fabric. And it looks like you cropped it -- good choice. The composition is quite strong.

  6. Helen, this is a beautiful piece. Not only are the folds convincing but you really got a sense of drama and mystery, and the composition is terrific. There's something strange happening on the left side of the piece where the fabric meets the edge. Things get a little hard there, perhaps because of the outline. Or...maybe the shadow behind the object just needs to be darker? Very nice job!

  7. Carson, the linear folds in the middle of your drawing look great. But it looks like you went in with lines at the end -- perhaps because things looked too soft? I think if you hadn't done that this would look more convincing as a soft object. And while I do like the composition (the way the thing sits within the picture rectangle is quite strong), I think the negative space shapes could have been treated with more care. You might go in and make those black so we can really see them -- and this would make your object really pop forward. Have trust in the softness -- you were doing the right thing!

  8. Taylor, this is a terrific drawing. Not only are the folds very convincing, but your composition is wonderfully dynamic and dramatic. The only thing that bothers me is the hard dark line that you introduce on the left side of the drawing. I don't think you need that, and it makes that area look so much less soft and nuanced than the rest of the drawing. Really nice job overall, though!

  9. Yunxin: I like your shading texture, it feels very rough, but at the same time it feels so great. You have also drawn the fruits quite well by giving them great volume. I would like to know your mood of this drawing, because it seems very interesting.

    Michelle: I think you have a done a great job, especially on your shadings and lights. I really love how you have create this three-dimensional drawing using great lights and shadows. If you can improve some small details on and transition of shading on the drapery, it will be even better.

    Nanxi: This is really cool and I really like the great contrast between the straw and the fabric at the back. This is a great drawing and I like it a lot. Maybe you could improved a bit on your lines and edges, because currently they seems a little bit hard.

    Helen: I really like your composition and I am really been impressed by it. The way you have drawn the shadings are very detailed, which is awesome. I think you have done a fantastic job on lights and shadows, and overall it’s a excellent drawing.

    Carson: The way that you draw seems very unique and cool. Your style seems great and I like it very much. If you have time, you could soften your lines, and added more darken shadings. This could great a better three-dimension illusion. Overall saying, your work feels very stylish.

    Taylor: I like how detailed that you have drawn your work. The thing that I love the most is the highlight on the fabric. They have done a great job and creates a great volume of the fabric. My suggestion are to soften same of your lines, because same of the lines seems a bit too hard. Other than that, this drawing is fantastic and I liked it a lot.

  10. Yunxin, every piece of your art is very free, peace, and artistic! The shadow of background helps create these kind of atmosphere. In this way, your drawing is really convincing.

    Michelle, I like how you draw the folds with soft edges, I think you have turific progress from last class.

    Nanxi, I think your shading technique on the fabric of the foreground is unique and the back you blended with smooth contrast.

    Helen, your work is outstanding, the composition and quality is awesome!

    Carson, I think your work is artistic, the difference of the soft and thick outlines and the relaxed scratchy strokes on the background really gave me inspiration.

    Taylor, you have made marked progress on your work, you blended the tone smoothly, and you demonstrated some edges of the fabric, which can attract attentions and lead my eyes move around. And I love that movement of your composition, it’s dynamic!

  11. Yunxin- I love the simplicity of the drawing. I also think that you executed the texture and shading great as well. I would suggest to maybe smooth out some of the edges.

    Michelle- I love the softness of this drawing! Maybe you could make the edges a little bit sharper, but other than that I like this drawing!

    Nanxi- I love the detail and the shading on the cup! I think you have great contrast on the folds of the cloth, but maybe make the edges a little bit darker.

    Helen- Phenomenal job! It looks very realistic and there's so much detail in this drawing. I also love the sharp edges on the cloth as well and how you shaded them to add contrast.

    Taylor- I love this drawing! Really like how you blended the edges of the folds and how you really made each fold stand out. Great job!

  12. Yunxin, your color tone is very beautiful, and the main body and cloth form a very beautiful shape. The whole picture is like in the fog.

    Michelle, you have a very good understanding of the structure of cloth. I like the shadow of the cloth you painted very much.

    Nanxi, I like your composition. The shadow around your paper cup creates a good atmosphere.

    Carson, your lines are very relaxed and the picture is very transparent, but I think you can add more details.

    Taylor, I like your cloth very much, it looks very smooth and beautiful.

  13. Yunxin: your drawing gives me a feeling of peace, and it is really elegant. Your brushstroke makes your drawing feels like watercolor! I think maybe you can make more contrast between your fabric and objects? Great job!

    Michelle: the shape of your objects is very interesting, and you draw the fabric well! I can feel its volume. I think you can draw some shadow in the background, it will makes your drawing more integrated. Beautiful work!

    Nanxi: I love your composition! There is fabric behind as well as in front of your object, and the fabric in the background is pretty convincing.

    Helen: I love the shape, the composition and the shadow of your drawing so much! And it is really convincing, I can see lots of details! And your drawing gives me a strong sense of mystery. Love it so much!

    Carson: I can exactly feel there is an object under the fabric, and the folds on the side is three-dimensional. But I think maybe you can smooth the outlines of the fabric to make it more natural. It is really an interesting drawing!

    Taylor: It is so beautiful! I love the texture of the fabric you show in your drawing, smooth and soft. Also, the interesting shape of your fabric impressed me a lot, which also makes a nice composition. The light and shadow are also very convincing, beautiful. Maybe the outline of the fabric is a little bit hard,( though I think the outlines in your drawing have a nice style, )you can make it more soft. I really like your drawing so much!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. yunix: i love the idea a lot i think its very interesting. maybe in the back it would be fun to see the fabric have more height variety. as in make more little points with the fabric and i think that would make this look more cute

    michelle: the shading is there and i value that a lot. i find it interesting that certain parts of the fabric look softer and others look harder. maybe the back ground could be a little darker so you could make the contrast more visible or you could just darken the edges a bit and other dark areas in the fabric to create that contrast if you don't want to commit to a dark back ground

    nanxi: i love the idea a lot. id love to know if this is in a car or did you se this up on a desk because i love how this looks with the cup in the middle. maybe certain parts could blend out a bit more because in front of the cup it looks a little harsh and my head starts to think its paper but regardless this is a great drawing and you can understand whats happening

    helen: id love to know what fabric you used and how you set it up like this because to me its crazy how many little wrinkles there are. this shading is great. if the lines are less harsh maybe it would blend out softer ( but again i'm not sure what fabric you used so maybe you a harder fabric and you drew exactly what you saw) honesty this gives me da vinci vibe when he would draw all the muscles and make everything detailed and i love it

    carson: the effort is there i can see that you were trying and i think this is great. from i see it feels like you looks at the fabric from above. bringing back a middle tone and high light in this drawing would add to it a lot. it might be easier to use the charcoal vine to make the lines and then use your paint brushes to help blend out the lines and make them softer and you wont have to use your fingers

  16. Yunxin : This drawing is cute! I liked how he tried to represent the folds of the fabric! I think composition looks great for me. I think it would be much better if he had added more black on the drawing.

  17. Michelle : I think composition is really great. The folds on top of fabric look that something is actually inside the fabric. The shadows and highlights are convincing! 

    Nanxi : I love how she didn't crop the edge but fill the whole background with drapery and this composition looks more dramatic for me. We can actually tell what the mystery object is but I think it is really good.

    Helen : I love this one. The composition of drawing is really fun to watch and gives me a feeling of mystery. Love the contrast between the fabric and bottom part of the background. Also, highlights and shadows are really convincing to look at and contrast between them is really accurate! Those things made the drawing more dynamic to me.

    Carson : I love how he drew the drapery! It's really cool and I think he has his own style of drawing and I really enjoyed it. The composition is unique and gives me a mysterious feeling for me! I think he could have blended the lines to make it softer and add more blacks and highlights would make the drawing better!

    Taylor : The folds of the fabric are really detailed. They are really convincing and I can tell how well she observed the drapery. Composition looks great. I love how she placed the fabric like a clothesline and they look like they are hanging on the wall and it is so unique! I think she could have added more black to make a more dynamic contrast but still I think this drawing is really good. 

  18. Yunxin
    Your work looks cool, and I love your strokes as usual. I think if you blend your outlines, it will become a more realistic piece.

    Your fabric looks super-soft, and I can feel the weight of it covering the object you have. However, it seems a bit weird to me that the shadow in the middle is too dark.

    I love your composition very much, and the bottle in the middle attracts me a lot. The color of your fabric seems too dark for me. If you can make it brighter, there will be a stronger contrast between your bottle and fabric. (since I have no idea about the color of your fabric, please ignore me if the original color of it is dark)

    I am always in love with your stroke, and it is always interesting for me to look at it. I am also attracted by the edge of the table in your piece, which forms a dramatic composition.

    I like your style very much, and the object underneath the fabric attracts my attention a lot. It actually makes me curious about what it is. Currently, I think it would be better if you blend your outlines.

    Your fabric is so smooth and soft; it looks fantastic to me. However, on the right side, there are some outlines jump out of your work, and I think it might be better if you blend them.
