Wednesday, November 25, 2020




  1. Selina, you did a great job letting your loose mark accumulate to create the figure. I especially like your treatment of the hair, how it seems to be dissolving into the space around it. One thing I'm very curious about is why the nose got so dark. Perhaps that was a mistake that you couldn't get rid of? I think at this point you should make the rest of the face darker so that it looks consistent. You could see how dark you can go and still be able to see the face. Draw right over the eyes and all the other features -- I think you'll see that none of them will disappear - they'll just look softer.

  2. This drawing is quite captivating! I think you got a really impressive likeness as well. I think you could add a little more value on the cheeks to emphasize the form of them, especially under the eyes and near the nose. Great work!

  3. The way she used lines, it has a strong mood! The lines are really thick and bold and I love how she represents her hair with those lines. I also like how she used lines all the way out to the background and I think this adds more interesting mood to the drawing. I think it would be much better to make more values on her face but I think it's really good!
