Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Vivian Zhang



  1. Great job, Vivian! It's so realistic, I could grab it! I think the shading was executed beautifully and the use of contrast is very much there. It really seems that you methodically shaded each fold to make it stand out. Tremendous work!

  2. I absolutely love this drawing, it feels so real. If there's no visible stroke, it almost looks like a photograph for me; and the fabric covers the object completely which makes me curious about what's underneath it.

  3. I am impressed by how detailed your work is. I really like how you have soften the fabric and shadings on the fabric. The details on this drawing is amazing, which at one point, I even thought this was a black and white photo.

  4. The drawing is so realistic and almost look like a photograph. You did a really good job on the shading, it's so detailed and well observed. The blending of the shades make the fabric looks so soft.

  5. Vivian, you are a master at charcoal! This is so satisfying and smooth, you make the drawing look effortless and looks like you had a lot of fun with it! I especially appreciate the areas of super light, delicate shading on the right side and how you chose a vertical composition. Amazing!

  6. Your cloth is very realistic and smooth.

  7. This is so beautiful and well drawn. It definitely has a mysterious quality to it that makes it interesting and pleasing to look at. great job!

  8. I am impressed by your natural transition, and it makes your drawing so realistic! The light and shadow is also convincing. I also love your composition, which is integrated but also gives me imagination space. Amazing drawing!!

  9. i am in love with how soft this looks. its so intricate in the outer parts but so simple in the middle and when i focus on the middle it makes everything seem less intense and i love that it does that its so interesting

  10. I thought this was a photograph! The drawing is really realistic and cool! I love how she used the charcoals to blend it softly. Highlights and shadows are really convincing and I think it is really great. I personally love this one so much! 

  11. Vivian, this is a very beautiful drawing. Not only is the fabric very well rendered, but you've created a composition that is dynamic and mysterious and interesting.I think what's especially impressive is that you're using soft hatching to create your values; sometimes this can create hard edges between shapes, but your edges are all very soft and convincing. The very subtle tones in the brightest part of the central mass are so important, and you did a fantastic job on those. The only area you may want to revisit is near the middle left edge where you have that dark pocket of shadows. While the shadows look great, some of the little highlight slivers along the edges might be a bit too light. I could be wrong, but it's worth rechecking. Wonderful job all around.
