Wednesday, November 25, 2020




  1. Carson, I really like this drawing! You did a great job keeping the whole thing soft and loose. I love the way you handled the transition between the chin and the neck -- very soft and sophisticated. The treatment of the shirt is fantastic too, the way it seems to be unraveling, or dissolving into the space. One thing you could do to make it even stronger is go in and put some loose line work in the space around the head -- do something to activate that space and make it more consistent with the figure! Remember that part of the idea is to make it seem like the figure and the space are made of the same substance. When you do this, be sure to start your lines inside the hair area and shoot them out. You don't want them to seem separate from the figure, so it's important that they touch. Nice job!

  2. This is really great, Carson! I think you nailed the hair and the proportions of the facial features. I also enjoy how the geometric form of the glasses remains structural and contrasts with the organic marks. The figure does appear to lean a bit, maybe adding some value in the background to the right would help bring some balance.

  3. For me, this one is the most favorable one from Carson's work. The way he used the lines, it feels like they have a rhythm when I saw his drawing. The way he used scribble lines for head and neck, I really loved it. I think it would be much better if he had put more lines on the hair and the neck to give a contrast, but still I really love this! Great job Carson!

  4. carson i liked how this looked like string and its just so interesting to look at maybe some things could have been darker like parts of your neck. regardless its still a good piece

  5. Really great job Carson, this piece is still so 'you'. I love the loose value, it's loose, but not lack of details. I think you did a great job on the neck and the shirt!
