Wednesday, November 25, 2020




  1. Christina, as I said in class, you were very brave with this drawing! I really like how dark it got, and I especially love the way you let your pen fly out from the hair to activate the negative space. I'm curious about why you drew the thick outlines around the shoulders, though -- I think it would be a stronger drawing if you made the whole shirt dark so as to eliminate those lines.

  2. This piece is so moody and mysterious, I love it! The darkness and the rich color of the pen work well together. I think you could consider darkening that light patch along the neck (under the lips on the right side). It is just a little distracting from the beautiful shading on the face.

  3. I love this one so much. She used pens all over her face and this made a very spooky mood and had strong emotions. I can tell her that she wasn't afraid of using pens and I think it is really great! I think she could have used lighter strokes to make a different value on the left side because for me values seem a little bit tangled and hard to notice the figure but still I really enjoyed watching it! 

  4. Christina this is so amazing. the moment i saw it I knew it was you. its amazing how crazy this is and i love how detailed you made this. Im not sure how else you could really improve this since you did this picture well
