Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Scribble Portrait- Ally



  1. Ally, I like this drawing, and I can tell you spent a lot of time on it. But I think it became a bit too much of a tight rendering -- especially around the eyes and lips. What you did with the nose looks fantastic, and I also really like how the shadow side of the face on the left fades into the hair so softly and seamlessly. I would love to see this sort of thing around the edges of the hair -- all around the head. I know you're afraid of losing that edge, but if you just added more scribble along the edge it would soften things up and make the figure look more like it's one with the space around it, which is what we want. You might even do some more loose line work over the eyes to soften those up -- they won't disappear, I assure you!

  2. ALLY THIS IS AMAZING. Im actually obsessed with this. its just so good. i guess in a way this could be slightly to tidy but i personaly love it just the way it is

  3. Ally you did a awesome job! The contrast creates a dramatic atmosphere. How you did with the edges is interesting! I think the distance between eyes is a bit wide which make the face wide.
