Wednesday, November 25, 2020




  1. Lee, overall I think this is a great scribble drawing. I like how you weren't afraid to keep going with the pen, and what you did to activate the space around the head is fantastically energetic. My favorite part is the left side, where you let the shadow side of the face become one with the hair, value-wise. One thing I don't like is the dark line around the left lower tip of the nose -- I don't think you needed that at all!And the right eye looks a little too hard too. You might want to go in over both those areas with more loose line work to soften things up. The darkness will be consistent with the mood of this drawing.

  2. I really enjoy this, Lee! The marks around the figure radiate like an electric field, and the piece takes on an emotional edge. I think it would be nice to see some more free flowing and organic marks within the face to break up the linear hatching on the cheeks and forehead. Great work!

  3. i felt like this was an interesting piece and i loved how dark the lines got. i was still able to see that this was you and i think you did a great job on this
