Wednesday, November 25, 2020




  1. I love this drawing! How she did on the right side of her face and neck, leaving white and almost no marks on it makes more contrast and I think it works really well! The hairs are really detailed and I really enjoyed watching it! I think the right part of her eye has highlights and values and I think it is really cool. But the left side of her eye, she had gone all over with lines and I think it seems a little bit awkward to me, but I really enjoyed watching it!

  2. I love it so much, loving the contrast on the face and the dark background. You made the background darker than the figure which is quite interesting. I also really enjoy the value of the hair, scribbled, but not losing the shape and details.

  3. This is so awesome and impressive ! Ally made this self-portrait look so animated, Which is distinctive and special. I feel calm and confident mood when I looked at this drawing. Maybe adding more crazy strokes can make this drawing more moody. Anyway , I love this painting.
