Wednesday, November 4, 2020




  1. I really like the contrast in this drawing! I love the balance between lights and darks, which you captured really well. I also think that you nailed the shading in the folds of the cloth to make it be one crease/fold.

  2. I love how you shading, it looks scratchy but creates a really soothing mood!

  3. I really like how you blend the shading very smoothly and that make the fabric looks soft. It also create a mysterious feeling of what is under the fabric.

  4. The texture of this is so beautiful, I can tell you're just gliding the charcoal across the page and letting the gritty quality shine. It might be nice to darken up the top of the piece to give a hint at space. Great job!

  5. Jim, as I said in class, I think this was a great way to approach this assignment. The drawing has a softness that reminds me of ink wash paintings, and there are no hard edges anywhere. I also really appreciate the implied edges on the top of the form. My only wish would be to see a little more detail on that fabric -- NOT with tight lines, but with small patches of value that you could achieve with a charcoal pencil.

  6. I like your relaxing brushstrokes and your relationship between light and darkness.

  7. I like the shape of your fabric which is really interesting. And your brushstrokes make your drawing really unique, and show the texture of the fabric pretty well. Light and shadow are convincing, too! Nice work!

  8. I love the rough and gritty application of shadows while keeping the lights faint and misty, beautiful work Jim !

  9. i love the idea and the feeling it gives. i know this probably isnt it but to me it feels like a fort and i just love that. maybe the shading could have been a bit smoother but i do get it it was hard to make everything smooth with this paper and i had to use paint brushes to try and blend everything out

  10. Composition is really unique to watch. I love the contrast of the fabric and it is really dynamic! I think he could have blended to soften the edges of the fabric but still I love the drawing. 

  11. I like the sandy feeling that you created with your charcoals. And the shadow also makes me feel the weight of the fabric.
