Wednesday, November 4, 2020





  1. Really great job with that swirl of fabric, Morgan! I love the quality of the shading on that cloth, and how you left the texture of the material without blending it out. I think adding some value on the surface that the fabric is on would add to your dynamic quality, but great work overall!

  2. I love the swirl! It gives off a very whimsical vibe to the drawing. I also think that the texture you created is very good! It reminds me of something from Alice in Wonderland with the almost rose-like shape of the cloth. The shading is also very good as well. Great job, Morgan!

  3. I really like how your have drawn the shading part. Your shading is very unique and I love it. The detailed reflection on your object (under the fabric) is also impressive, and overall I like this drawing a lot.

  4. Morgan, I really like the way you used patches of loose strokes to create the different values. And I love how you didn't go in with hard outlines, for the most part (the only outline that jumps out at me is the one on the upper left of the form). The composition is terrific, and I definitely do get a sense of mystery. One thing to revisit might be the very center of the swirl; that looks a bit harder and tighter than the rest of the drawing.

  5. I like your relaxing hatching way, make the swirl very interesting. I think the folds around can be added some value, makes the fabric form a whole.

  6. I love the way you arrange the fabric, it makes the drawing very interesting. You also did a very good gob on the shading, it's very detailed and soft.

  7. I like the perspective you observe, and the folds of your canvas are very interesting.

  8. I like the shape of fabric just like rose, it is attractive and interesting. I also like the lines of the shadow is wild and relax. And I guess the object is pumpkin ?

  9. I like the shape of fabric just like rose, it is attractive and interesting. I also like the lines of the shadow is wild and relax. And I guess the object is pumpkin ?

  10. I love this picture a lot. the swirls are just so interesting a in a way i think you made the shading so much more interesting to look at then just some realistic picture and i think this was done so well

  11. I love the shape if the cloth, and it makes this drawing a good composition! But I think may be you can make more transitions between black and white to make it more three-dimensional. This drawing is mysterious and interesting!

  12. I love the composition of drapery. I think the composition of the drapery makes the fold of fabric more dramatic and dynamic. Also, the lights and shadows are convincing and accurate! Also gives the mysterious feeling to wonder what is behind the fabric. I think she could have added shadows of fabric behind!  

  13. I am in love with your composition of the fabric, it garbs my attention to the swril in the middle. It is amazing!
