Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Christina, week 5 hw



  1. This work is just enchanting! It reminds me of a xerox or some other digitally manipulated image. It's a fun dynamic that you chose to depict soft cloth with this harsh, high-contrast rendering style. The black background really makes the fabric and objects pop, great work!

  2. I love the flash photography look of this drawing, the highlight and shadow work is very convincing.

  3. I love how the edges are very sharp and distinct. You can really tell how much detail is in the cloth by the use of line. I love the detail in the cloth so much, it has a very graphic style to it, which I personally love. Awesome job!

  4. I really like how you have this huge contrast between darken background and lighten fabric. It's an amazing drawing. Some of your lines might be a little bit hard, other than that, it's all good.

  5. Christina, this is a terrific piece. The composition is really dynamic, and the high contrast makes it quite dramatic. And I do definitely get a sense of mystery. While I"m definitely convinced by the folds, I do think you could lighten up on some of those hard outlines between the forms. Really nice drawing.

  6. I really love the composition. The sharp edges and the dark background make it very dramatic. The outlines create a great atmosphere.

  7. I love the contrast of your piece which makes it look like a photograph. The folds of the cloth are so detail. I can notice where the light source is coming from by looking at the highlights on the objects, it's an amazing piece!

  8. The composition of this painting is very delicate, the dark background and the objects in front form a strong contrast. The object is very flickering and detailed. You have a good observation

  9. I think the fabric on the lamp is a tough work to do, many wrinkles compress together. You must be a master who is good at using the shadow and light to describe object. I very like your drawing.

  10. I really like this amazing drawing! It gives me a sense of movie. I think the light and shadow of it are pretty nice, and I can see a lot of details in this drawing. It is so amazing!!

  11. this is so detailed oh my god and its amazing im not even sure how you would tackle something like this but its great

  12. Honestly, at first I thought it was an old picture because of how she drew it so nicely. Lights and shadows are really convincing and there is enough and accurate contrast between the objects, fabric and background. Composition is really great and a lot of details are included!  I personally love this drawing so much! 
