Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Ally Week 5 HW



  1. I love this drawing, Ally, especially the corner edge of the cloth! The black background really makes it pop and stand out. The detail that is in this piece is incredible. It really looks like you carefully thought out where every fold would go. Great job!

  2. I really like how you have drawn the background completely dark, which made the fabric attracted my eyes in a really cool way. I also been impressed by how artist your composition is, which I really like it.

  3. You draw so well that I can tell it is a soft fabric. The folds kind of forming in good order, move my eyes around, it’s awesome!

  4. I really like the contrast of the drawing! Even though there are lots of contrast, i could still feel the softness of the fabric. The black background also makes the objects pops out and catches my eyes. Good job!

  5. Ally, what a dramatic and mysterious piece! I love the black background, and the way you placed the fabric within the picture rectangle is so well considered. Your folds definitely look convincing, which means that you got some great nuances with the mid-tones. The only area where things get hard are the two black shadows in the lower right quadrant (the linear shadows that read almost like lines). I think if you go in there with your blending stick and soften those up -- or else give them some softer edges with your charcoal pencil -- that would take care of it. And I love the detail on the edge of the sheet -- we look at that and know exactly what that is. Really nice job!

  6. The fabric looks so vivid and impressive in such a dark background , The contrast is so strong. I love you mid tone of this fabric , it looks so smooth. And laces of fabric is my favorite , it is so detailed. And I also like the reflection. All in all, it is such a detailed , beautiful drawing.

  7. I really love the strong contrast in your drawing! The bright side of the fabric catches my eye when I see it. Besides the convincing light and shadow, I can also see lots of details in your drawing! I really love the shape, too! It is so beautiful!

  8. The folds are really detailed and accurate! I love the composition and it actually looks like there is something inside the fabric. The black background gives the dynamic contrast between the white fabric and I think it is really good. 

  9. The darkness of your background forms a strong contrast with your fabric, which is really attractive. I really like this dramatic feeling. However, there are a few outlines that might be too sharp for me, and it would be better for me if you blend it. : )
