Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Christina final

1 comment:

  1. Christina, overall, I think this came out very well. I love the use of the atmospheric black, and the fact that you limited the color to greyscale makes the piece quite moody, mysterious, and powerful. I especially like what you did with the background and the splotchy areas in lower left and upper right. But I agree with Ally that it might have been nice to see more of those linear elements (the vertical ones) that you have on the left. The central ribbon-like shape, I think, would be stronger if it were larger and directly in the center. As it is now, it's slightly awkward. You might consider adding an additional linear ribbon underneath the one you have already to balance things out. If you can make it intertwine with the one above I think that would be quite strong. Or...maybe a bundle of intertwining string-like elements such as Miki had in her piece. I think that would look terrific here.
