Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Miki tool drawing


  1. Miki, this is quite a beautiful drawing. It feels like flames to me, and I love the varying opacities of the ink. I'm imagining that the object you used was something soft and brushy -- and something that either flows itself or makes other things flow. The movement in this piece is fantastic. I do think the drawing would have benefited from more negative space around the central event. Don't forget about the power of negative space!

  2. I love how soft this drawing is, Miki. I think you maybe used some sort of brush to create this effect, maybe a fan brush? I love the use of strokes that seem to flow down with ease. I do agree with Taney in that you could incorporate more negative space in the piece. Other than that, awesome job!

  3. This is really nice Miki! I like the flowing enthusiasm you have captured. I especially enjoy how the various shades of ink blur and bleed together in places. Part of me wonders if these strokes would look interesting going sideways or falling down-- Perhaps you could make a series! Excellent job.

  4. I love this drawing. I'm not sure but assume that she used feathers to make this drawing, and it reminds me of fire bursting! I wish she could have incorporated more with the negative space, but still, it's a fantastic drawing. Nice job Miki!
