Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Lee midterm


1 comment:

  1. Lee, I agree with what was said in class about the hair being confusing and the Covid reference not being clear enough. First, the way you've drawn the "19" in the lower left makes it look like "79" -- this could be easily clarified. But the main issue I have is that the figure doesn't look like she's dressed like a nurse. I wonder if there's a way for you to fix this without ruining the piece. I think the meaning of the piece really depends on this element. As far as the drawn elements go, the gloves look like they could use more value -- darker at the creases and lighter where the light hits them. This will make it more clear that they're boxing gloves. The color scheme looks hopeful and positive, which I think was your point. Also, perhaps you can eliminate the suggested circle around the "c", since that makes it look like the copyright sign. I hope to see these changes implemented; your idea deserves to be fully realized.
