Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Helen tool drawing


  1. Helen, the ring-like shapes are fun to look at (they're so clean and distinct), and the varying opacities does much to make this drawing dynamic. I'm imagining you used something shaped like a cylinder -- like the bottom of a tube, or a bottle cap. I especially like where the ink starts to bleed, interrupting the cleanness of the little rings in certain areas. That's what saves the piece from being predictable. I wonder why it's formatted as a square. I might have liked to see more negative space around the cluster. As it is, the composition looks slightly awkward. Perhaps covering more of the lower edge with rings might make the composition more dynamic?

  2. Wow Helen this looks great! It is so clean and visually appealing/satisfying, I could look at it for hours. I love especially the clumps of rings where they start to bleed together and create variation in tone. I like the composition as is, although maybe expanding the left side would be nice in order to make the shape less square. I think you've captured a very effective, design-like image. Great work!

  3. It's an interesting drawing to look at it. I like how she used a variation of opacity to make a difference between each mark. I think she could have incorporated more with the negative space to make the drawing more dynamic.
