Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sisley cutout



  1. Sisley, this is quite a mysterious and ominous piece. The figures in the center look like they're hanging (and dead), but the rest of it is so ambiguous that my mind just keeps wondering and wondering -- which is exactly the point. I would love to hear what you were thinking about with this one. As it is, I don't have any suggestions for how to strengthen it. If I knew the narrative I might be able to suggest elements to eliminate. Really terrific approach to this assignment!

  2. This is so interesting, Sisley! It reminds me of Norse and Greek mythology, perhaps a cyclops catching his prey with some entrails on the bottom. I think the maroon color works great to add a gory feel without sacrificing any contrast. The only thing I could think of would be maybe cleaning up the hands/objects on the far left. I can't really place them in relation to the narrative. But, that's completely up to you as that may be intentional to add something odd and mysterious. Great job!

  3. this is so cool it actually kind of makes me think about this bloody gory thing. this may sound weird but this kind of reminds me of a titan from the show attack on titan and it just looks like one of the titans are eating a bunch of people while its intestine are falling out of its stomach. i think this is so cool

  4. Very mysterious, Sisley! It reminds me of Rorschach tests where one person sees something, and another person sees something completely different. I love the ambiguity to this piece. I agree with Taney in that I'd like to know the meaning behind it. Other than that, great job!

  5. Your color felt very strong and I like it a lot. It actually reminds me of a bloody scene. I personally like it very much and I think you have done a great job.

  6. To be honest I don't even know what I am look at, but it is really interesting and made me think a lot. I can feel there are probably some human figures in it. Overall, it is a strong piece to me.

  7. Your work makes me think of some ancient murals. It is so mysterious and religious, looks like some ancient myth. Your use of color also catches my eyes and makes your work more intriguing to look at. Maybe I would like to see more irregular shapes at the bottom of your work, the things look like gut, to be set around your work. I think it would be interesting to look at. It is really a strong piece.
