Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Miki optical blending



  1. Miki, I think this is a terrific optical blending drawing. The colors are so vivid, and I definitely get a sense of the blending we're talking about. The only thing that bothers me is what reads as a thick outline under her jaw and chin. It seems to me that different kinds of blobs within those squares would have delineated that edge perfectly well enough. Keep in mind that our brains don't need *all* the information to make out what is what in art. The viewer's brain can fill in a lot of information automatically, and there's something nice about this kind of viewer participation. Terrific job overall, though.

  2. This is a really haunting and magical piece, Miki! I love how you've included purples and blues in the skin tone, they play nicely with the orange in the skin. There are some areas of white (forehead, bottom of neck) which kind of take away from the vibrance of the piece. Maybe just touching those with a yellow or pink pastel could bring back that vibrance. Great work!

  3. Miki, it is a supper successful optical blending. The color you chose works very well and makes me feel comfortable. But I still think there are some outlines on the nose and lips, which you might want avoid it.

  4. this makes me feel like she's under water and i love it. i think you did a great job with this. the eye feels a little bit outlined so i might say try and lighten those colors a bit

  5. This one is really beautiful. It looks like the figure is inside the water because of the management of color how Miki used. The colors are really vivid, and it really works as an optical blending. I think she has really done it well on this week's assignment!

  6. I love this piece, Miki! The way that you've done the hair in this is extraordinary, as you've added colors that wouldn't always be associated with hair like greens, blues, etc. I agree with others in that the nose feels a bit outlined, but I think you can easily fix that and make it look like the rest of the piece. Great job!

  7. I really like the color of your piece, your use of yellow and blue really creates this great contrast, but at the same time, these colors felt very vibrant and clean

  8. Your color are beautiful they are making the scene more flowing!

  9. Your color is very beautiful, especially the mixed pink and blue parts of your skin. But for me, I think the shadow on the side of the neck is too dark, you can add a little lighter part.
