Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Michelle cutout



  1. Michelle, this looks like a combination of drawing and cut shapes. I wish everything were cut black paper. As it is, it looks a bit sloppy. And I think you have way too much going on here -- too much information! I think you could eliminate that whole shape on the upper left with the cards and many of the leaves and mushrooms. See if you can tell the story with far fewer elements. Also, it looks like you're illustrating Alice in Wonderland. I think the narrative would be more complex if you added an ambiguous shape or two -- something to make it deviate from the story we all know.

  2. This is very intriguing Michelle! I like the Alice and Wonderland theme, that comes across very clearly. The rabbit and Alice are rendered wonderfully, with just enough detail but not too much. I think you could take that into other aspects of the piece, like the cards. I think the right side with the plants is stronger than the left, perhaps consider cropping the cards out and giving the piece more empty space for an eerie feel. Good job!

  3. Michelle, I like the concept a lot! But it would be helpful to try and eliminate elements such as the figure of Alice and the White Rabbit. I think if you just cut out the black pieces and not left the white showing, it would make the piece more dynamic. I think that if you left the cards and the plants, and instead of having Alice and the rabbit in the center, maybe leave it blank? Overall, great job!

  4. I like your theme which seems like "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", and I really like how you put your cards and characters. I suggest that maybe you could cut all of them and put it onto the paper, rather than drawing them on a white paper and cut them into pieces.

  5. It is petty cool and reminds me of Alice in wonderland. But I think you have to cut the paper out instead of drawing it

  6. I can tell that she wanted to show Alice in Wonderland and I really like this one. I appreciate that she used lots of elements to compose her drawing, but I think she could have improved her drawing if she cut the whole black paper rather than drawing. Still, I really love this piece. 

  7. Your work shows an interesting fairytale world, and I love the style very much! The flowers on the right are beautiful. But I think maybe you can connect them with the figure to make a more coherent composition. Nice work!

  8. I like your theme, but I think you can simplify the graphics, it will be more impressive

  9. i love this. the first thing i saw was the cards and my head went straight to Alice in wonderland. then i looked at the whole image and then saw this was themed Alice in wonderland. i do feel like the colors should have been all the same
