Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Yunxin Cubism 1



  1. Yunxin, I particularly like the top two drawings -- they look so good together and make for an interesting visual puzzle. I'm not sure why there's so much empty space in the other two (are they unfinished?). One thing you might want to do is consider the scale of your objects. They're quite small relative to the picture rectangle. I would suggest either making some that are bigger or else enlarging them in Photoshop before printing them. It would be good to be able to see the objects more clearly.

  2. These are very interesting Yunxin! I love how you've made the decision to keep your objects small and have the background occupy most of the space, its going to make such a cool collage. It is evident you have put tons of work into this, maybe adding some more solid white or black shapes could help your details shine.

  3. I very appreciate your style of drawing. But I think the objects needs to bigger for you to make the collage for this week's homework. You may also need more arranges of value to illustrate the light and shadow.

  4. I like his style of drawing! I especially like the 4th because it gives me an odd but interesting feeling that tables are turning to abstract objects by using a bunch of triangles! I think it would be much more interesting to look at if he could have developed more in value by adding more dark and leaving some of the shapes in white. 

  5. Yunxin, you always have your own unique style. You draw with your own special texture. The texture formed by the triangles on the drawing looks like a woven fabric. And I think you can increase the contrast between the light and shadow of the first picture and the second picture.

  6. I like how you really pushed your own style, where I could easily tell that this is something that is done by you. These drawings seems very hard edges and lines, which is very unique to see. However, personally I think the negative space in the third and fourth drawings seems a bit too big.

  7. I love how you fill the geometric shape in the background with lines instead of just geometrical blocks of color. It is really beautiful and interesting. But I think maybe you can make more contrast in the background. I also think that your objects are a little bit small for composition.

  8. i think the top two are very complete. I would say that i kind of wish the objects had more of a varied size to them or were in a way on top of each other. the lines are great
