Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Miki Cubism 1



  1. Miki, these look terrific. You've managed to make your objects look like a strange futuristic city. I don't really have any suggestions for how to improve them other than to say that it might be interesting to see that pipe-like shape in the lower left drawing again from a different angle. I'm not sure what that shape is, but I like it. I look forward to seeing what you do with these!

  2. Great job on these Miki! I really enjoy how you integrate the curving, sinewy lines in with geometric form. The object is clearly visible in each image but I'm not sure what it is, maybe two bottles on a block? I think some more areas of pure black could be incorporated in your collage. Great work!

  3. Miki, your drawings are amazing. Just one simple point on the bottom left drawing. Maybe you can let all your lines go free rather than connect them only on one point.

  4. These are really nice and interesting to look at. I like how she made it three dimensional instead of making it two dimensional. Some of the curved lines that go through the objects are really elegant. I think she can make it more intensively by putting the different values and size of the shapes into different places rather than just putting them side by side next to it!

  5. Miki, you did a great job! In fact, it is perfect in my opinion, and it is difficult for me to make constructive suggestions. Your picture looks balanced and fantastic. Although I can't identify the specific object, I can see different perspectives.

  6. It's quite cool to see how you make these paintings in a "realistic abstract" way where I could see the perspective quite well. I also think the curves and lines that you have done is very impressive.

  7. Im not exactly sure how to put this into words. but its like you simplified the image and then some how made this detailed at the same time with all these shapes. its like were looking at a crazy light show. i love it a lot. this might be hard but maybe the color could be more consistent. as in less pencile lines and more of just the color

  8. I feel relieving as I see these shapes depicted in order. They’re great as decorative drawings. But I feel a bit less catching for the bottom left one, because there’s no main focus spot.
