Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Helen Cubism 1



  1. Helen, I think the top two drawings look terrific. The bottom two look unfinished to me, since there are few shapes in the space around the objects. If you bring the bottom two up to the same level as the top two I think you'll be in great shape to proceed to your collage. One more thing to consider is giving your space shapes more of a range of values. Right now they look very different from the objects, and in Cubism they should look the same. The lower right corner of your upper left drawing looks fantastic. See if you can make that happen everywhere!

  2. I really love what you've done to the background on the top two images, Helen. The lines are so crisp and beautiful, and the light values differentiate your objects. I think some more of that background could be incorporated into the bottom two, and it's going to make a great collage!

  3. Can't wait to see your collage, Helen! Your works are very suitable for making collages. However, the bottom two artworks looks more like realistic drawings to me. Add some background like the top two, will make it more like cubism.

  4. I really like your drawing because I can see a strong sense of light! It is dramatic! I especially like the top right one, because it looks more abstract and I like how you drew it from the overlooking perspective. But maybe you can make the background more intricate like what you did in the first drawing.

  5. this reminds me of Leonardo da Vinci sketching. I'm living for it. I especially love the top left on the more because in a way it looks like you used measurements to make the image. I wish the images were more consistent with each other with all of the work
