Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Critique Day for Midterm Projects

Dear class,

As the deadline for your midterm projects is next Tuesday, March 27th, we will be conducting an all-day critique on that day. It will be the same kind of thing as we had at the end of last semester, so please come prepared for a very full day. As I said today in class, late arrivals will not be admitted into the class room.

Several things of which to take note:

1. Sorry -- no donuts this time! I only do that on the last day of the semester. Please come prepared with your own lunch and snacks. Any breaks we take will be very brief.

2. Each of you should be prepared to give a brief presentation about your drawing before we open the forum for group feedback. Things to consider talking about include: Did you use photographs or other source material for your drawing? What kind of information did this source material provide for you in your drawing process? What drawing materials did you use? Did your ideas change at all during the drawing process? What kinds of difficulties did you encounter along the way? How satisfied are you that your drawing achieved what you set out to achieve?

3. The more generous we all are with our comments, the more rewarding the day will be for everyone. Please make every effort to contribute your feedback to everyone. As with last semester's final, I will be sitting in the audience rather than leading the critique.

4. Out of respect for your fellow students, please refrain from drawing in your notebooks, texting, playing digital chess, or anything else during the presentations. These things are enormously distracting to the person speaking in front of the class.

Good luck on your projects!

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