Dear class,
I've gotten a number of e-mails asking about this week's assignment, so I want to offer the following clarification.
If you would like to begin your drawing with the toned ground we've been using in class, please do so. It's not a requirement for this assignment, but in general it's a good approach to any charcoal drawing. My advice is to keep it fairly light, if you do opt for the toned ground. This will give you a nice mid-tone gray to which to add your lights and darks.
Feel free to use both kinds of charcoal (i.e., vine and compressed), your charcoal pencil, and your eraser.
Please use only one sheet of paper for this assignment rather than doing two separate drawings. One of the challenges of the assignment is in creating an interesting composition that combines both lighting situations. The goal is to make the viewer intrigued by the "strangeness" of the light/shadow relationships rather than confused or annoyed! A sense of intrigue and mystery is a good thing to shoot for here.
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