Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Claes Oldenburg


Since we discussed scale yesterday in class, I wanted to show you my favorite example of an artist who has manipulated scale to great effect. Claes Oldenburg (American, 20th c) is considered one of the masters of Pop Art.

Portfolio and Notebook turn-in


On our final day of class next week (Tuesday, December 13th) you will be turning in both your portfolio and your notebook for grading purposes. Please read the entire text below for how this is to be done.

PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS: Your portfolio should contain the following items, in the following order. Please note that a sloppy presentation will affect your grade for the portfolio. You may include items not listed below, but any additional items should be placed behind the required ones:

1. Contour drawing (Assignment #1)
2. Negative space drawing (Assignment #2)
3. Single mark drawing (Assignment #3)
4. Light and shadow drawing (Assignment #4)
5. Mysterious object drawing (Assignment #5)
6. Imaginary cityscape (Assignment #6)
7. Gesture drawings (8) (Assignment #7)
8. Scribble drawing (Assignment #8)
9. Expressive hands drawing (Assignment #9)
10. Diptych (Assignment #10)
11. Perspective drawing from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

GRADING PERIOD: I will be grading the portfolios and the notebooks on Wednesday, December 14th, from 4 - 6pm in 102C.

After grading your work, your materials will be placed in the class locker, which will be left unlocked for the remainder of the semester. It is your responsibility to retrieve your work before leaving for the holiday break. Anything left inside the locker over the break will be considered unwanted material (read: trash).

Monday, December 5, 2011

Guidelines for final project presentation

On the last class day of this semester (Tuesday, December 13th), you will be presenting your final project to the class for a group critique. This critique will be similar to the weekly critiques we’ve been having, but it will be longer and more thorough, and – unlike in the weekly critiques – each student will be expected to give a short presentation about the ideas that informed his/her project. Below are some general guidelines for what you will want to present to the class:

- If your drawing is based on another work of art, which work is it? Be sure to have the full name of the artist, the title of the work, and the year it was made handy while you present your project to the class. You might want to bring in a reproduction of the work as well.

- If your drawing is not based on another work of art but on some other kind of source, what is the nature of this source? Visual aids of any kind will help you describe your source/s to the class.

- Why did you choose this particular work of art or other source for your project? What kind of personal meaning does this source hold for you?

- What kind of approach did you use in the making of your drawing? Did you work from photographs, collages, film stills, etc.? Did you make preliminary sketches? Did you use a computer at any stage in the process?

- How did you decide what kinds of drawing materials and/or mark-making techniques to use in your drawing?

- What kinds of problems did you encounter as you worked on your drawing? How did you resolve those problems (f you did)?

- How satisfied are you with your drawing? What kinds of expectations did you have going into the project? Do you feel your drawing meets those expectations? If not, what could you have done differently?

Please note: To ensure that our final critique is a rewarding experience for everyone, I encourage you to be as generous as possible with your comments and feedback. On this day, I’d like to be the one doing the least amount of talking!

Also note: As I mentioned before, the day will be divided into 12-minute segments so that each student will have the same amount of time for his/her critique. Breakfast will be provided, but lunch will be short. Bringing a packed lunch is advised.